Conferences Organized
National/International Conferences/Symposia/Workshops/Schools Organised

Prof. Garg has organised the following Conferences/Symposia/Workshops/Schools under his leadership:
1. National Solar Energy Convention, July 6‑7, 1972 at Central Building Research Institute (CBRI), Roorkee.
2. Summer School on Solar Energy Applications, May 26-June 9, 1980 at Regional Engineering College, Srinagar.
3. National Workshop and Exhibition on Solar Cookers, April 2-3, 1983 at Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi.
4. National Workshop and Exhibition on Solar Water Heating Systems, May 6-10, 1985 at Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi.
5. International Workshop on Physics of Solar Energy, Nov.24 - Dec.6, 1986 at Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi.
6. Entrepreneurship Development Programme in New and Renewable Energy Sources, June 1 - July 18, 1990 at IIT Delhi.
7. QIP Course on Renewable Energy Sources and Technology Option during June 1 - 14, 1992 at IIT Delhi.
8. Workshop on Progress in Energy Research on Feb. 14, 1992 at IIT Delhi.
9. International Workshop on Renewable Energy, Project Management and Implementation during March 22-28, 1993 at IIT Delhi.
10. Workshop on Impact of ICTP on Indian Science on March 27, 1993 at IIT Delhi.
11. Indo-Italian Workshop on Renewable Energy Technologies during April 20-22, 1994 at IIT Delhi.
12. Annual Meet of Role of Science in Industry on April 23, 1994 at IIT Delhi.
13. UNESCO Regional Workshop on Renewable Energy Engineering Education during Jan. 9-11, 1995 at IIT Delhi.
14. Indo-Italian Workshop on Synchrotron Radiation Applications during Feb. 17-19, 1995 at IIT Delhi.
15. Annual Meet of India-ICTP Chapter on Energy & Environment on Feb. 19, 1995.
16. Indo-British Workshop on Renewable Energy Technologies during March 27-29, 1995 at IIT Delhi.
17. Five day refresher/orientation course on Solar Passive Architecture during March 27-31, 1995 at IIT Delhi.
18. Indo-Italian meet on Synchrotron Radiation Application, April 15, 1996 at IIT Delhi.
19. Lecture Session of Prof. M.A. Virasoro and Dr. R.A. Mashelkar on Sep. 6, 1996 at IIT Delhi.
20. Brain Storming Session on Thrust Areas in R&D for Energy Availability, Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency on Sep. 23, 1996 at IIT Delhi.
21. Second Solar Photovoltaic Training Programme, during Dec. 9-20, 1996 at IIT Delhi.
22. Refresher course on Solar Water Heaters for Canara Bank Officers, on March 4, 1997 at IIT Delhi.
23. Indo-Italian Workshop on Biomass and other Renewables for Power Generation, during March 20-22, 1997 at IIT Delhi.
24. Annul Meet and Round Table on Waste Management and Recycling, on March 22, 1997 at IIT Delhi.
25. Indo-Italian Workshop on Recent Advances in Material Science during November 10-12, 1999 at IIT Delhi.
26. Annual Meet and Round Table discussion on Advances in Photovoltaic Materials on November 12, 1999 at IIT Delhi.
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